Meet Workly!

A simple mobile app for your complex business operations.

Workly is for you if.....

You Manufacture Things

We have quite some experience in manufacturing and managing the whole pipeline can be ruthless without proper structure and data.

You Construct Things

We understand that as a contractor it becomes really difficult to manage the material, people, tasks, money for even one site, and to manage many of them, that’s a tough one. 

You Sell Things at Scale

We know a thing or two about selling and the biggest hurdle one faces is to make sure the inventory is optimized so that the clients are never denied.


You use old ways to manage everything

We agree that Pen and Paper is great, and Microsoft Excel is even better, but they are not the best ways to manage work, material or people. 

The softwares that you want to try are tooo expensive

Great companies make great softwares but those great softwares have even greater price tags. 

You or your team are not tech savvy yet

If the solutions in the market require a PhD to operate them, how can one even try to become savvy.

What might help?

A solution that

✔️ is easy to use
✔️ is cheap
✔️ is secure and reliable
✔️ is accessible to your team
✔️ does the calculations for you
✔️ allows you to allocate work
✔️ helps you manage your material
✔️ records people's attendance
✔️ tracks your production
✔️ saves your time